A Letter to my boys
To my little angels sent from heaven. (I won’t ever stop calling you this).
Bugsy Boy, my big boy, it was you who made me a mummy. I will never forget the moment daddy and I found out we were having a baby. We had wished and prayed for you for a very long time....and there you were, safe and sound in my tummy and I knew you were there to stay. You were mine, ours and the intense love and bond was instant.The moment I got to finally hold you in my arms I couldn’t believe how much you looked like daddy, you had his forehead lines, exactly the same and it was the cutest thing ever. Your very first night earthside you and I were alone and I stared at you for what was most probably hours. My beautiful baby boy was here and I could now protect you forever. Two and a half years later your little brother was born. Our bossy, loving and fiercely independent Bobby Arrow. The look on your face when you first met Bobby is ingrained in my memory, so strong I will never forget. And just the other day you told me it was the best day of your life. How sweet you are my Bugsy Boy.You are growing up way too fast..as I always tell you, but I absolutely love watching the gorgeous little man you are growing into. Your passion and knowledge of wildlife and nature warms my heart. Your intricate and creative LEGO building skills are inspiring - although I would prefer not to have to step on a piece of lego ever again! Your ability to chat to people for hours about anything and everything is amazing. I’m so proud of you little guy in absolutely everything you do.Let’s always have our nightly chats on your bed and I will always sing your song to you as you fall asleep, I promise. Let’s also always drink Kombucha and eat soba noodles together. Thank you for being my best friend.My little Bobby Arrow. My baby who never wanted to sleep and just wanted to be cuddled, well things haven’t changed, haha. You were so tiny when you were born and daddy had to take you to a special place in the hospital to help you breathe properly and then bring you back to me. I couldn’t wait to have you safe and sound in my arms.You were the most perfect beautiful baby I had ever seen. I remember wrapping you up when we first got home and watching you while you were asleep (a rare moment) and your little face was so so perfect. Every little feature.You were and are so lucky to have Bugsy as your big brother, he helped mummy care for you, he was so soft and gentle with you when you were little.You didn’t want to be a baby for long though little guy, you were walking at 11 months old and two weeks later riding a scooter. The smallest and cutest scooter rider ever. You’re fierce independence started very young and so did your compassion and thoughtfulness for everyone around you.I always tell you to stop growing up, which we laugh about, but I absolutely love watching you and your little personality grow little man. You make mummy so proud.You are the best little helper a mummy could wish for. Lining the shoes up at the door, baking cakes and putting your pyjamas under your pillow. You definitely take after mummy with your neatness, not daddy, ha! Your attention to detail is really quite amazing and watching you love making people laugh is the best thing ever. (You definitely take after Daddy on this one).Your love for your brother is just so beautiful. Watching you and Bugsy play together for hours fills my heart.You will always be my baby. I love your kisses that you place all over my face and you give the best biggest cuddles. I will always sing your song to you as you fall asleep and cuddle you, I promise.I love you both with all of my full heart ❤️ x Mummy.
A Letter to my Mum
Dear Mum
I often find myself thinking about how I got to the stage in my life, I mean how am I 41 years old? I vividly remember your 40th birthday, your Hollywood Party and that doesn't seem that long ago. And here I am now at that same stage in life with two babies of my own and loving every minute of being their mum.
I see so much of you in myself as a mum, always trying to fit too much into my day but at the same time wouldn't have it any other way.
Being a working mum of four had its challenges I'm sure but the love the you showered all of us never faltered. The warmth that you radiate to everyone around you is infectious and our home was always a busy hive of friends and family.
Seeing you now as our Gigi to your nine Grandchildren absolutely melts my heart. You're the type of Gigi that wraps them up in your arms but also dances with them, you sing them songs but also play handball, shoot hoops and kick the soccer ball with them and always with a big smile on your face.
I feel very blessed to call you my best friend as well as my mum. Thank you for teaching me unconditional love, something that I get to experience now as a mother. You are the strongest most loving soul that I know.
You always told me the first thing I should do is smile when I wake up in the morning, it will make every day a happy one. I still try to do this every single day.
I love you.


Shot on location at our local fishing spot near our home.
Photos by Husband and Daddy Extraordinaire @modernister